
2025 Competition Guidelines



Business Plan Competition


Important Dates:

Please block your calendar: April 10-13, 2025.

Faculty Advisor Name and School Participation Registration Due: August 31st, 2024

Internal business plan competition should be completed by November 15, 2024.

Student Team Members Names Due to the Program Office by  November 22, 2025

Early submissions are encouraged and welcomed.

Final Written Business Plans Document (pdf version only via email) due by February 5, 2025




  1. A team should have a minimum of four and maximum of five CURRENT STUDENT members with a minimum GPA of 3.3 and must have a faculty advisor.
  2. Current students may include any student from campus (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or MBA).
  3. Non-students may be members of the management team and participate in planning the venture; however, only students may present the plan and answer questions from the judges.
  4. Each school is allowed to bring up to 10 students to Atlanta. Please note that the program will only pay for up to 5 students and the school must pay for the additional students (a subsidized rate).
  5. Students must think big and ask for at least $500k investment from potential investors.
  6. Students are free to develop business plans based on any viable business opportunities. However, they are encouraged to exploit available technology applicable to that business.




  1. All ventures must be seeking outside equity capital.
  2.  The competition is for students enrolled in the current academic year, September 1 through August 31. Students who graduated in the preceding academic semester are not eligible to participate.


  1.  The competition is for new, independent ventures in the seed, start-up or early stage. Generally excluded are the following: buy-outs, expansions of existing companies, real estate syndications, tax shelters, franchises, licensing agreements for distribution in a different geographical area, and spin-outs from existing corporations. The licensing from universities or research labs of technologies that have not been commercialized previously is not excluded and is encouraged.
  2. The competition is for student created, managed and owned ventures. In other words, students are to have played a major role in conceiving the venture, to have key management roles and to own significant equity. An equity position of less than 20% will be suspected and require the students to show evidence that they were a major cause in the venture creation. One objective of this rule is to exclude ventures formed and managed by non-students who have given token equity to MBAs for writing their business plan.
  3. Ventures with revenues in prior academic years are excluded. The history of a team member working on an idea or new technology in previous academic years or even prior to entering graduate school does not exclude a venture, if there were no revenues prior to the current academic year.
  4.  The business plan must represent the original work of members of the team and be prepared under faculty supervision; ideally, the business plan will be prepared for credit in a regularly scheduled course or as an independent study.


Written Business Plan

  1. Plans must be limited to 25 (typed and double-spaced) pages of text, including the executive summary and summary financial data. Detailed spreadsheets and appropriate appendices should follow the text portion of the plan. In total, the plan should be no longer than 40 pages.
  1. Financial data should include a cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. Include an explanation of the offering to investors indicating how much money is required and how it will be used. Also, delineate the possible exit strategies.
  2. Appendices should be included only when they support the findings, statements and observations in the plan. Because of the number of teams in the competition, judges may not be able to read all the  appendices. Therefore, the text portion of the plan (25 pages) must contain all pertinent information in a clear and concise manner.
  3. Judges will use the three-part Judge's Evaluation Form. Part I (valued at 40%) is designed to help assess the written business plan focusing on key elements and the effectiveness of the summary financial data. Part II (20%) assesses the poise and professionalism of the presentation. Part III (40%) evaluates the perceived viability of the venture. This quantitative assessment is meant to complement, not replace, the qualitative evaluation of the judges in their determination of winners.
  4. Use the Judge's Evaluation Form as a useful guide for structuring the business plan.

For ease in handling, we request that all copies of business plans be professionally bound (i.e., velo, spiral, etc.). Three-ring binders will not be accepted. Presentation

  1. The presentation is in two parts. In the Opening and Final Round, each team will have 15 minutes to present its plan. THIS TIME LIMIT WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED
  2. The presentation will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in the first round and 20 minutes in the final round with the judges. Each presenting team will have approximately 5 minutes for set-up.
  3. Each member of the team must participate in the formal presentation of the plan. In the opening round, no student team member is allowed to observe any other

presentations. Deans and faculty advisors are free to observe any presentation with the understanding that they will not discuss this with the student team members until after the final round.

  1. On Saturday, there will be feedback sessions by the judges in each track. Each team will get fifteen minutes with the judges to receive feedback. Judges will return the written plans and evaluation forms to the teams. The session is subject to the terms that advisor and students can only ask judges for clarification but cannot argue with the judges.